Our blog has moved!

We recently created a new website that incorporates our author blog – go to randomhouse.com.au/blog for all the latest news and bulletins, essays, features, opinions from our bestselling authors.

Find out what’s being said, debated, and discussed in the world of books and ideas.


It’s all in the hidden meaning…

We had an interview with a Canberra Times Journalist the other day. It was a friendly over-the-email kind of interview in fact we’ve had heaps of interviews lately where we have to talk about the novel, the story, what happens and what’s it’s hidden meaning and stuff like that.
I have to admit, I find it a little tricky sometimes as I am so entrenched in the novel I am currently writing I almost forget what went on in Versace Sisters. I am sure this doesn’t happen to Michelle. Sometimes I even forget some of the characters names in Versace Sisters as this current book is absolute front of mind. Have you ever read two or three books at the same time? You know, when you have one at work for lunch-time in the park and one on the bed-side table? Well try promoting one and writing one simultaneously. I’m not whingeing, (trust me I’d never whinge about this job, it’s like a dream come true) but just letting you know it’s a bit tricky to stay on one’s toes. And our first meeting for book four will be in a couple of weeks too. Even more characters to fill my world. It’s all good though.
See you tomorrow. Lisa Blundell (AKA ½ Cate Kendall).

A very exciting event coming up soon at Caulfield Racecourse

Michelle and I have a very exciting event coming up soon at Caulfield Racecourse (Vic) with an audience of 300 women. It’s tricky to be sparky and ‘on’ at 9.00am, but we manage to do it somehow. It’s a difficult juggling act, public speaking. Although I know we’re there to entertain, I am worried if it’s not an amusing anecdote it will be as dull as a sensible court shoe. I mean, it’s not like we’re Gwenyth where every word that drips from her Chris Martin kissed lips is fascinating. I mean, even how much H20 she consumes before breakfast makes the glossies. So it has to be a bit of a giggle while hopefully giving the audience the information that they want to hear. We don’t actually plan or rehearse our speeches, they just sort of spill out as if we’re having a conversation; Michelle, me and our 300 closest friends. I am sure it will go okay.
See you later. Lisa Blundell (AKA ½ Cate Kendall)

Cate Kendall – how two such very different people write together

Many people ask us how two such very different people write together. I believe it’s our differences that make our end product so good. We sit down together at the beginning of the process and brainstorm. Who is our main character? What’s her location, her feeling about herself and most importantly, what is her journey? Her challenge?
You will notice in your favourite books, films or plays the hero has this seemingly insurmountable challenge to overcome while possessing ineffective tools to conquer this enormous white whale. The more useless the hero’s tools, the more we barrack for the hero. Yet we need to maintain a believable premise at all times. Michelle and I have a tremendous time plying the weight of the world on our hero’s shoulders then digging her out of the pickle we got her in.
So we brainstorm for approximately eight to ten hours together. Then I go away and spend about four to six hours writing out an intricate chapter plan based on those meetings. Each chapter has a detailed plan so that we know exactly where to go when we start writing. There can’t be any surprises.
Then comes the character development. This takes weeks. Hours and hours and hours. Each character has to be treated as if I’d just met them and they were about to become my flat-mate. They’re given hobbies, starsigns, addresses, children – a detailed profile on each character is crucial so that when we ‘write’ them, they ring true. It’s like impersonating a friend. When you do it exactly right, you get a laugh.
So having each character with their own personality foibles and sayings, traits and mannerisms just gives them so much richness. I am very proud of our characters and many people compliment me on them so I think we must be doing a pretty good job.
Then the actual story-telling starts and I write a chapter and send it to Michelle who sends it back as soon as she is physically able. Then I can see which direction the novel should head. It makes it so wonderful to write a novel this way, when we’re working as a team, back and forth, like a lively game of tennis. I’d hate to do it solo. That’d be just awful. So much more difficult. So then we go on our merry way till the end. It’s a very good system.
See you later. Lisa Blundell (AKA ½ Cate Kendall).

So more about the structural edit on a novel

So more about the structural edit on a novel. This would melt the average person’s brain, but years of experience teaches you to suck it up. As I eluded to on my fourth blog; Michelle and I submit what we believe to be our best work. We’ve read, checked, edited and re-drafted. We can’t find a darn thing wrong with it.
The publisher reads it, the structural editor reads it then they send us ‘the report.’ Ominous drum roll please. This report is several pages long. Luckily it does start with ‘what a wonderful novel, it’s a great read and will be a huge success.’
Which is a good thing, because the next several thousand words are gut-wrenching. They are ‘suggestions’ of changes, for example; more insight into this character’s background, perhaps an argument between those two characters to really show their feelings, that character needs more, much more building up, we don’t hear enough from that character either. So basically they want about 20,000 more words. Easy, I say, then I read the last few lines. ‘And it’s too long, cut out 20,000 more words.’ This is about when Michelle rings me and we moan and groan in frustration on the phone together.
Cutting is SO hard. Michelle is the expert at cutting and truly believes the work is better for it. I bleed each time my lovely words get cut. Yet another vital difference in the two sides of Cate Kendall. Then the publisher gets it again. It’s nearly right, just a few suggestions from their copy editor. Then they’re happy. I love making Random House happy. They’re very lovely people who have darling book contracts in their top drawer.
See you tomorrow. Lisa Blundell (AKA ½ Cate Kendall)

Cate Kendall on the airwaves

What a great radio interview with Radio Bay FM just the other day. Bay FM is Geelong’s light rock and pop kind of station. It seems to be very popular. Michelle and I were on the morning show. The presenters were very up-beat and lovely – Paula and Laurie – it’s tricky on radio because we only have a few minutes to convince all the listeners that we’re witty and clever and obviously write books of similar ilk so please purchase.
We have a very important cause that we’re trying to raise money for so at least we got to mention that too. Australiabiggestbookgroup.com is raising money for Muscular Dystrophy so if everybody buys Versace Sisters from this website all proceeds go to the care and research of Muscular Dystrophy sufferers.
Michelle and I are helping to promote this cause, with our book Versace Sisters as Australia’s Biggest Book Group’s book, we’re also donating a portion of our royalties. So the lovely people at Bay FM gave us some nice airplay on this charity event.
Hopefully we’ll be on Jon Faine, ABC Melbourne next week. Australiasbiggestbookgroup.com will be on 3AW on Thursday at 2.35 so listen out.
See you later. Lisa Blundell (AKA ½ Cate Kendall.)