Our blog has moved!

We recently created a new website that incorporates our author blog – go to randomhouse.com.au/blog for all the latest news and bulletins, essays, features, opinions from our bestselling authors.

Find out what’s being said, debated, and discussed in the world of books and ideas.


Telling it like it is

I’ve just come back from doing an event at the Melbourne Writers’ Festival called Writer in Residence. It’s an event I’ve been thinking about a lot, quite a tricky one to prepare for. The idea is to sit in the lobby of the arts centre and plug my laptop into a huge screen above me, which projects what I write as I write it so that passers by can ‘be amazed’ at the process of writing.

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Strange and comforting food

There’s a fair bit of eating and drinking in my book. In an interview the other day, someone asked ‘that bit where Frank’s eating the chicken – he dips his mug into the stock – does he actually drink the chicken stock?’

This has alerted me to the fact that we all have different versions of normal or acceptable ways to eat, amongst other things. I thought that drinking chicken stock was fairly inoffensive, but apparently I am wrong.

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